EASY Acrylic Flowers Paintings For Beginners (Tutorial)
Acrylic flower paintings are among the most popular in the craft because they can be relatively easy to paint as beginners but can become more intricate depending on your experience level.
Thank you to Mukta for her help in putting together this tutorial. Please consider supporting her here.
Now, let’s get painting.

Step-by-Step Acrylic Flower Paintings
Follow these steps to start painting acrylic flower paintings, but don’t feel limited to the color or techniques we use in these tutorials.
Flower 1
In this tutorial, we will primarily load the brush with a mixture of colors. To do this, we will use a base of white, which you’ll load onto the brush first. Next, move onto your lightest color of the mixture. You’ll see in this first example, Mukta will load yellow paint before red.

Depending on what angle you hold the brush will determine what color dominates your stroke. For the first flower example, make sure you’re using the same brush-loading strategy for every petal.
We’ll look at a variety of different flower patterns in this tutorial and Mukta will seamlessly blend colors and flower species in a single piece.

Flower 2
The next flower is a two-color blend between white (loaded first) and red. For this flower, you’ll want to mimic the shape of lips (use a little bit of imagination).

Keep the strokes simple. As you can see, she has changed colors, but the pattern has remained the same. The simpler, often the better. Some have stems, but the details don’t have to be intricate.

Flower 3
This will be one of our only single-color acrylic flowers on this mural of sorts. To nail this one, you’ll really have to be comfortable with your hand movements. Let it flow. Your work will reflect if you are tight at the wrist or too calculated with placement. Let it flow!
Do the long stem first and make a sort-of S-shape for the leaves/ petals.

Flower 4
After that, we are going to add a great ‘filler flower’. . . something to take up some white space where you don’t want it. Simply add a long, slim stem with a lily pad-type petal.

Flower 5
Similar to the second flower we painted, except this time, the side petals will be only one stroke and the petals can be stuck to a stem. Still use the 2-color blend with one color being white. Of course, this is your choice.

How to Paint an Acrylic Flower
Notice how a bunch of simple strokes combined to make something quite beautiful. This is the power of acrylic paint.
We hope you learned something from this tutorial. Feel free to share your progress in the comment section below. We love seeing photos of your work!
Happy painting 🙂

Thank you for the tutorial, the painting looks great!